Charles Christopher Hill, Charlie Words Hard, 1978-2018, Various papers and cotton stitched and collaged

Charlie Works Hard, 1978-2018
Various papers and cotton stitched and collaged
51 x 42 inches

Charles Christopher Hill, Looking for Wild Parrots, 1977, Mixed Media

Looking For Wild Parrots, 1977
Various papers and cotton stitched and collaged
67 x 53 inches

Charles Christopher Hill, Perhaps a Devil?, 1985, Mixed media

Perhaps A Devil?, 1985
Various papers and cotton stiched and collaged
65 x 75 inches

Charles Christopher Hill, Loving Hands at Home, 1978, Mixed Media

Loving Hands at Home, 1978
Various papers and cotton stitched and collaged
64 x 86 inches

Charles Christopher Hill, Syzygy, 1986, Mixed Media

Syzygy, 1986
Various papers and cotton sitched and collaged
71 x 61 inches

Charles Christopher HIll, I'm Lookin' For a Love

I'm Lookin' For A Love, 1985/2018
Various papers and cotton stitched and collaged
48 x 60 inches

Charles Christoper Hill, Athabascan, 1977, Mixed media

Athabascan, 1977
Various papers and cotton stitched and collaged
81 x 59 inches

Charles Christopher Hill, Explain One More Time, 1975, Mixed media

Explain One More Time, 1975
Various papers and cotton stitched and collaged
73 x 70 inches

Charles Christopher Hill, Throbbing Gristle, 1978, Mixed Media

Throbbing Gristle, 1978
Various papers and cotton stitched and collaged
87 x 74 inches